Hackathon Schedule: Everything about the 2 weeks of the hakathon program

The 2 week n*soria hackathon is Scheduled into the Following Events:

The schedule seen below is last years schedule, the schedule for the next hackathon will be updated a few months before the event.
Still the timetable for the coming event will be quite similar, so gives an overview of the coming event.

Arrival of Participants at Mercendarbe Manor

July 31 / August 01, 2017

The participants will arrive on July 31 or August 1 at the Mercendarbe Manor

Introductory Presentation

August 01, 2017

Participants will get an introduction to the projects, companies and jurors. Afterwards they will have lunch together.

First Sprint

First Sprint Research
August 1 - August 04, 2017

The product backlog is created based on the selected tasks, and research analysis begins to gather as much information and facts as possible.
The recognized and self-imposed tasks and requirements for the product are then processed by the team in the first iteration.

Second Sprint

Second Sprint Prototype
August 05 - August 08, 2017

The core functionality which will represent the prototype must be implemented and through retrospect the Prototype shall be further improved until the product supports the basic requirements.

Third Sprint

Third Sprint Features and Iterations
August 08 - August 11, 2017

Additional features will be added - again by retrospect and iterations - so that the prototype can show its potential. Furthermore, an honest review of the process follows with consensus on how to adjust it for the final presentation.

Fourth Sprint

Fourth Sprint Finalizing the Prototype and Presentation
August 11 - August 14, 2017

Finalizing the prototype and final test runs follow. The entire marketing campaign is planned, partly also with cost accounting and advertising. Finally, the work on the final presentation follows to convince the jury the next day.

Final Presentation

August 15, 2017

Final presentation of the finished prototypes after the fourth sprint. The Jury will evaluate all the prototypes and work. Two weeks after the event, the winners will be announced.


August 15, 2017

The winner teams will be announced 2 weeks after the hackathon finished. The ceremony will be held as a live conference on Skype.

Before the hackathon:

The following downloads and sources are recommended / required for the hackathon, as they will be discussed and used within the different teams and projects. It is recommended to download these applications / sources before the hackathon.